Frequently asked questions.

How long does microblading last?

Simply put, the lifespan of your brows will differ from person to person based on a few variables (like skin type, sun exposure, skincare products used). On average, your brows will last anywhere from 6-18 months before needing a touch up.

Why are two sessions required?

Cosmetic tattooing is a little different from standard body tattoos. The pigment is a mineral based pigment which settles into the skin much softer, so usually after the fist session, you will notice some light spots in the area tattooed. So a month after the first session, when the skin has properly healed, we do another session to perfect the tattoo.

Is there aftercare?

Absolutely. It is vital to take proper care of your cosmetic tattoo for the best pigment retention and to avoid any scarring or infection. After each session, you leave with a packet of aftercare instructions, healing cream, and business cards.

How long is the healing process?

My safe zone is 3-5 days, however it’s not unlikely for some clients to take a little longer to heal. Don’t plan on getting any cosmetic tattoo procedure the same week or two as any major events, just to be on the safe side. And remember, NEVER PICK AT THE TATTOO.